About Us
Since 1994, Big World Media is the leader in cultural training and educational tools.We offer DVDs, online video streaming, and e-learning. Our programs are broadcast-quality, and expertly researched and fact checked.
Our quality products and superior service has earned us thousands of loyal customers around the world. Customers include
• Corporate: more than half the Fortune 500, including DuPont, HP, Shell
• Education: nearly all U.S. universities and colleges, and many overseas
• Government: most branches of government, including Dept. of State, Dept. of Defense, Dept. of Homeland Security and more.
Big World Media is based in Boulder, CO, USA, where it was founded by Erich Toll. Erich is multilingual, and has lived overseas and traveled in more than 35 countries. He started his career as a foreign correspondent for publications such as the International Herald Tribune, World Trade magazine, International Business magazine and more.